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A. 高雄醫學大學附設醫院麻醉部
T. 07-3121101 #7033、7035
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林淵智 Yuan-Chi Lin
林淵智 Yuan-Chi Lin

Director, Medical Acupuncture Service
Associate Director, Pain Treatment Service
Senior Associate in Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Boston Children's Hospital
Associate Professor of Anaesthesia and Pediatric
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts


Residency in Pediatrics, Columbus Children's Hospital Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio
Residency in Anesthesia, Hospital University of Pennsylvania ,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesia, Boston Children's Hospital ; Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Fellowship in Pain Medicine, Stanford University Hospital; Stanford
University School of Medicine Stanford, California
Faculty Education Fellowship in Medical Humanism and
Professionalism, Boston Children's Hospital; Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts

Perioperative Care for Patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an inherited X-linked recessive mutation in the dystrophin gene with onset in early childhood. In DMD, dystrophin in usually absent. In Becker’s muscular dystrophy, dystrophin is partially functional. Dystrophin is found in skeletal, smooth, and in cardiac muscles, as well as in the brain. It maintains the integrity muscle membrane. Approximately 1:3,500 boys are affected. Muscle weakness appears gradually between 2 and 5 years of age. With the improvements in cardiac and respiratory care, the life expectancy is in 30s, and some living into their 40s. At end, respiratory failure is the main concern.


DMD is the most common muscular dystrophy in children. It is exemplified by progressive symmetric muscle weakness and wasting of proximal muscles with gait disturbance. Presenting symptoms in DMD include a waddling walk and difficulty climbing stairs. The classic Gower maneuver describes using both arms to assist in getting from a sitting to a standing position. The disease affects the heart in ninety-percent of DMD patients. There is no association between the severity of skeletal muscle and the advancement of cardiac muscle involvement. However, dilated cardiomyopathy is seen as the disease evolvements. Cognitive impairment is also often seen in advanced DMD patients.


Preoperative workup should obtain a full history of neuromuscular motor milestones, previous medical as well as surgical procedures’ complications, and familial related disorders. Review an EKG and echocardiogram can be helpful. Patients with DMD are at risk of aspiration pneumonitis. Postoperatively, DMD patients are at risk of respiratory reduction. Scoliosis may further compromise respiratory status. Pulmonary function tests can aid in postoperative planning. Blood work should include a complete blood count, serum levels of creatine phosphokinase and electrolytes.


Serious complications in patients with DMD associated with anesthesia have repetitively been reported. The high complication rate is a result of muscle weakness with respiratory insufficiency, metabolic changes i.e. hyperkalemia and hyperthermia, and cardiomyopathy. Patient compliance occasionally is reduced because of anxiety and mild mental retardation. Potential difficult airway can be seen in patients with DMD associated with enlarged tongue and arthrodesis of the temporomandibular joints.


Succinylcholine is contraindicated due to the risk of hyperkalemic cardiac arrest and rhabdomyolysis with dark discoloration of urine. Renal deficiency and acute renal failure can occur as a result of myoglobinuria. Arrhythmias and cardiac arrest have been reported. They are mainly, but not completely, associated with succinylcholine use and most often occur shortly afterward succinylcholine administration. It seems that hyperkalemia can be precipitated by halogenated inhalational anesthetics alone halothane or isoflurane. Joint deformities and contractures make patient positioning difficult on the operating room table. Vascular access can be challenging by obesity and thickening of subcutaneous tissues. Mechanical ventilator support is almost mandatory following major surgery.


The US Food and Drug Administration has issued a warning against the routine use of succinylcholine in pediatric patients because unexplained cardiac arrest and death in children who were subsequently found to have DMD. Providing anesthesia care for patients with DMD, we need to understand that the nondepolarizing muscle relaxants have an increased potency and a prolonged duration of action. Opioids should be used cautiously to avoid respiratory depression. There is no true association between malignant hyperthermia and DMD. The volatile anesthetics should be used cautiously since volatile anesthetic use in the absence of succinylcholine may be associated with severe rhabdomyolysis in patients with DMD.


裘馨氏肌失養症 (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) 病人圍術期照護

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (裘馨氏肌失養症,簡稱DMD)是一種遺傳性疾病,為所有肌肉萎縮症中較常見的一種,通常只發生在男性,源於X染色體發生異常,通常發病於兒童早期。DMD病人缺乏一種重要的蛋白質失養素(Dystrophin),Dystrophin存在於骨骼,平滑肌,心肌以及大腦中。它保持肌纖維膜的完整性。一旦缺少這種蛋白質,肌纖維膜會變得無力脆弱,經年累月伸展後終於撕裂,肌細胞就很容易死亡。而在Becker's muscular dystrophy病人, Dystrophin保有部分作用,較易發生於男孩,發生率大約是1:3,500。通常肌肉無力在2至5歲之間出現,隨著心臟和呼吸系統照護品質的改善,預期壽命可達30歲甚至40歲。因控制呼吸與行動的肌肉萎縮,使得大部分的患者會因肺部感染及其合併症而逝世。
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 病人會因近端肌肉萎縮而出現漸進式的對稱性肌肉無力和步態障礙,其症狀包括蹣跚行走(waddling walk)、爬樓梯困難或是典型的Gower maneuver。約有90%的DMD患者的心臟功能會受影響,不過骨骼肌疾病的嚴重程度與心肌受損程度沒有關聯。然而隨著疾病惡化,DMD患者可能會在後期出現擴張型心肌病或是認知障礙。
由於DMD患者臨床上可能出現呼吸肌肉無力、代謝異常(高血鉀和體溫過高) 以及心肌病變等併發症,導致患者於麻醉後可能合併嚴重併發症。此外,由於術前焦慮和輕度智力低下,患者的醫囑遵從性有時也會降低。 DMD患者伴有舌頭增大和顳下頜關節僵硬,增加困難氣道風險。